Chartwells knew exactly their requirements so it was easy to initially supply a range of garment samples to be assessed for quality and style. We then went on to produce the fully embroidered or tax tabbed uniform range for Management, Customer Service, Chefs, Porters and Stores. This collection included a wide range of garments, from Corporate suits, shirts, trousers and dresses to Hospitality aprons, polos, cargo pants and waistcoats, as well as an assortment of jackets and accessories.
The range was then presented to the Chartwells Managers at Food Festivals in both London and Bristol. In conjunction with this presentation we created a 32 page Ordering Guide with the initial uniform range and how to order online through our popular Uniform Buyer system.
At the end of August, ready for the start of the new term, Uniform Buyer went live. Supplying over 120 units UK wide we initially opened a four week ordering window that guaranteed uniform delivery by the start of the school year.